Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Cheap Heat

So what makes a successful blog? You, know, one that is read by a couple thousand people a day (I guess it really depends on what you judge success, content or hits). Apparently, you have to bash George W. Bush and the Iraq war. For the science like people, you have to gripe about how you can't believe the common folks believe that intelligent design crap and can't understand why they don't embrace evolution and the thought that human beings are nothing more than a vessel used by a string of nucleotides to ensuring the survival of the information that their sequence holds. To me, this is cheap heat. Well, I guess I'm going to go for a little "cheap heat" as they call it in the rasslin' business. I have hated politics in general since I took my first, and only, political science class in my undergraduate days. Here goes: I will not bash George W. about the Iraq war as long as I am driving a car that uses gasoline. I hate the fact that the magazine "Science" contains so much political banter. But, I agree with them that political scumbags in Washington supposedly representing their constituancy thinks that not only are they the saviors of our democracy, but they also know what is good science. For reference, see this article. You know, the science business would be a lot more enjoyable if it was just about the science. Okay, that is enough cheap heat, now back to my regular old, boring blog.

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