Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Common Sense on your Google homepage, its common sense!
On the left side of the page, you will see a button that says "Add Content", click it and a selection of things to add will open. Click on "Create a Section" - you will be given a space to enter the URL that points to the feed you want (in this case, the Common Sense feed). In that space enter (or copy and paste) the following url: http://fhbarneb.blogspot.com/atom.xml Click on "Go" and you will have as much Common Sense as I do! This customizable Google homepage is a really neat idea and should be pretty fun to play with. For those of you using My Yahoo, I'm working on how to get my feed added, if anyone has any advice, please let me know (I do have a feedburner feed for this si te if this helps).