Thursday, September 22, 2005


The never ending quest to keep your web self organized, pt 8.

So now I'm an expert on this subject huh? At least that is according to Mike at Mindvalley. Here is a recent comment he left for a recent entry
I have enjoyed reading all of your comments about web-based social bookmarking and thought you might like to check out If you get a chance to check it out, would love to hear your thoughts since you are an expert user in this space and very familiar with all the offerings out there. Cheers and keep up the blogging! Mike
Alright, so maybe he was pandering a little bit for some attention but what the heck I appreciate the comments. So I went over to Blinklist to check it out. Log-in and registration is simple. I had my links imported in under a minute. From there, it was a quick drag and drop of a "blink this site" button onto my firefox browser and I was underway. The user interface is a little more fancy than and you know I like simple but I can handle it. The extra bells and whistles are pretty handy. There is a starring option by each link which adds that link to a list of favorites. There is also a list of recently visited tags and a pretty neat "cloud" representation for your tags. The blinklist toolbar gives you quick access to manually add a link. The server response for adding links, etc. . . was pretty fast. The only improvement I can suggest at this time is to list all of my tags (like does) when I am adding a new link and be able to click on a tag to add it to a link. All-in-all, I would say this site gives (my gold standard) a run for its money. It is definitely worth giving this site an extended trial period. Definitely worth checking out! If you are coming in late to this thread, here is (a by no means complete) list of social bookmarking sites: MyJeeves Simpy - Added 9/25/05 If there are any (and there are) sites I have left out, please drop me a comment, I think I'll keep updating this list and if I come across something worth writing about, I will.

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